Friday 4 January 2013

Finished Elf and Grey Knight thoughts

Woo, I finished my first miniature of 2013! I had great trouble taking the photos but just about put something together in the end, as usual click to enlarge:

Got a few more views as well!

In the end the water effects look ok, but not perfect, something to think about for the future. I do like the planking though, made of coffee stirrers, so I'll have to remember that for another time.

Cool mini or not voting link, if you have the time! :)

Next I think I'm going to be doing a grey knight colour test. I'm hoping to take part in slow grow campaign using grey knights soon so have been thinking about what I'm going to do.

As far as painting goes I'm fairly sure I want to use SENMM, I've been experimenting with it a little, as below. I'll probably do a fair amount of gold on some of them too to pick out the more senior models. However, this is a lot of work, so I'll time myself during the test model and see how it goes!

I'm still thinking about basing and so on, I have 1 GK model which is a golden demon project which is currently on hold:

Not sure whether to continue down this route for the basing (ruined mechanicus planet)

Or go with some sweet lava basing which would allow me to justify warmer highlights in the painting. I painted this a few months back pretty quickly and kinda liked having warm highlights tie into the lava, so that's tempting and then I can leave the GD project to come back to in the future:

Any thoughts? Am still not convinced either way really!

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