Saturday 5 January 2013

New Dark Angels Vehicles

Just a quick note on the new Dark Angels vehicles.

The aircraft I think is lovely, nice one, wish I could have one in my army.

The Land speeder.. oh dear. It's like GW don't know anything about aircraft aspect ratios, so their flying sculpts are just hit and miss these days. Back in the old days of Eldar vehicles and Tau vehicles they knew what they were doing somehow. What I'm talking about of course is this thing:

It's just too wide at the front, aircraft need to have some narrowing of the body towards the front to give an illusion of going fast (incidently this is a consequence of all aircraft in the real world having that, so our brains expect it from something which flys. )

I do  think removing the front set of engines would improve it greately, perhaps moving them backwards and doubling up the engines at the back with them instead.

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